

Negotiating Salaries

Negotiating Salaries

by Interperm Resources, LLC.     Category: Article

Posted on January 03, 2020 at 04:24:51 PM

The laws banning salary inquiries during the interview process are a total game changer for how employers and candidates negotiate a new salary during a job search.   In the past a prospective employer asked what an applicant was earning and figured out how much more they could offer to entice them to leave their current job.   Now that salary inquiries have been banned, employers use salary surveys and market data to determine how much to offer a prospective candidate.

The good news is candidates have access to the same salary data as employers.    If you are offered a new position and are not sure if the employer is offering you enough the internet is a great source of easily researched information.   A reliable source would be payscale.com or a salary survey for your particular profession.   For those working in law firms ALA and LMA are now partnering on salary surveys for staff positions. 

Many applicants mention Glassdoor when we have salary conversations and I would caution applicants about the reliability of the information on their site.   The information on Glassdoor is Crowdsourced, unverified and not always correct.

Negotiating salaries can be challenging but it is, in my opinion, much more straightforward and predictable in the current employment marketplace.

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